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Former National TV Talk Show Producer
I guarantee I can get YOU
TV Talk Show Interviews!
Your Direct Access to a TV Insider
Former National TV Talk Show Producer
I Guarantee I Can Get YOU
TV Talk Show Interviews!
Get Access to a TV Insider
It's all about who you know
When it comes to getting a coveted TV talk show interview, it really is all about WHO you know. And now, YOU know ME!

There is nothing I would love more than to get you and your awesome self TV interviews on talk shows.  As a former national network TV talk show producer that is EXACTLY what I've done for over twenty-five years.

I know the exact media hooks and stories that talk show producers love!  And I have the connections where all I have to do is pick up the phone or send an email
to get you TV interviews that will position you as an authority in your profession.

Are you ready to make regular TV appearances to elevate your expert status in your profession and create trust and credibility that leads to increasing your income and business?
When it comes to getting a coveted TV talk show interview,
it really is all about WHO you know.

And now, YOU know ME!

There is nothing I would love more than to
get you and your awesome self TV interviews on talk shows.

As a former national network TV talk show producer
 that is EXACTLY what I've done for over twenty-five years.

I know the exact media hooks and stories that talk show producers love!

And I have the connections where all I have to do is pick up the phone or send an email
to get you TV interviews that will position you as an authority in your profession.

Are you ready to make regular TV appearances to elevate your expert status in your profession
and create trust and credibility that leads to increasing your income and business?

My Client's Recent TV Appearances

Salt Lake City




Las Vegas




San Antonio




Washington, D.C.












How did a Little Girl from A Small Town in Indiana
with No Show Biz Connections end Up "Here?"
Marianne Schwab
It felt like an impossible dream since I was stuck in the middle of "Nowheresville, Indiana."  When I was a little girl,  I escaped into the make believe world of television shows.  Visions of meeting the stars that came into my living room via the TV set danced in my head as I daydreamed that I would one day work in the world of entertainment. 
But there was just one problem.  One very big problem.  All the "show biz jobs" were a world away in New York and Los Angeles and it seemed that the odds were stacked way against me ever getting hired to work on a television show, let alone getting out of Indiana.  But it all started with a little girl's dream.
Hey, there! I'm Marianne Schwab and I'm a former national network TV Talk Show Producer and I'm just one of those typical overnight success stories that took ten years. Now, after being a TV Producer for over two decades, I guess you could say that I make what I do look easy, but it didn't start out that way, I assure you.  
I grew up in a tiny house in a small town and my parents both worked full-time jobs to make ends meet "back then."  In fact, my mom once bragged to her friends that she got my entire back-to-school wardrobe at garage sales.  I was so embarrassed that we were poor and I'll never forget the stench on my winter coat that year because my mom couldn't even afford to have it dry cleaned.
Well, I guess it's no wonder that I lived my young days in a make believe world of television shows and dreaming I'd one day work in the entertainment industry and meet the stars who came into my living room on the TV screen. 
I don't hold back because I want you to look inside the mind of a TV Talk Show Producer.
Turning your mess into your message can either be really easy or it can be super difficult depending on your story, your brand, or your profession.  For most of us, though, we feel like our “mess” isn’t big enough or dramatic enough to move our tribe or our ideal clients, but that’s where you’re wrong.

The unknown can certainly be scary, but you know what? Once you actually do the thing you fear (like learning to drive a car, learning a new software program, or even making your video), you realize that the “thought or fear” of doing “the thing” was keeping you from doing “a thing” that is now almost second nature.

What to Wear? Tips TO look your best on camera
Viewers will size you up quickly and since TV is a visual medium, you need to make sure to look good on TV. As you focus on your verbal delivery, mastering the art of conveying your unique knowledge with assurance and ease, you must also never forget that your appearance is equally critical for success on television.

Strategy 101
The goal of your content strategy is to build trust with your potential clients so they not only WANT to buy from you, but they MUST buy from YOU! If you share the right content that provides the value to your audience, you’ll help them understand more about the products and services you provide without necessarily telling them about YOUR product or service.
Are you ready to promote your product, service or business on TV Talk Shows?
My 3 Biggest Insider Secrets to Landing TV Talk Show Interviews
I really shouldn't be doing this, but I'm sharing some of my most game changing insider secrets from my career as a Talk Show Producer in this free training!

My secrets will give you all the info you need to grab your first TV interview even if you have no show biz connections.

Social Media Channels

Are you ready to promote your product, service or business on TV Talk Shows?
My 3 Biggest Insider Secrets to Landing TV Talk Show Interviews
I really shouldn't be doing this, but I'm sharing some of my most game changing insider secrets from my career as a Talk Show Producer in this free training!

My secrets will give you all the info you need to grab your first TV interview even if you have no show biz connections.

Social Media Channels

DISCLOSURE: With My 'Seen On TV' Guaranteed And 'Featured In Guaranteed' Programs, Results Are Guaranteed. 
 With 'Seen On TV Academy' That Relies On Earned Media, Results Are Not Promised And Will Depend On Clients Who Purchase The Media System Following The Guidelines, Implementing The Guidelines As Suggested, And Numerous Other Variables That Are Beyond Prediction And Subject To Media News Cycles, Programming Directives, Etc.
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